Healthy Food
Healthy Food is a Clil project thought, planned and usable for young learners starting from the second grade of a Primary School. Working in pairs or in small groups, pupils become familiar with food and their properties through Science, Food Education, Maths, Art and Culture with the use of the four skills in L2. Our itinerary is meant to involve children by activating their prior knowledge based on life experiences.
This project aims to enable students to use food accurately and raise awareness of the positive effects on their health.
We present this sequence of lessons, although they do not fit exactly into the canons of a traditional CLIL module, considering learners' young age and the necessity of parents' involvement.
Autori: Colombo Piercarla - Candelmo Maria Giovanna
Materia: Scienze, Arte, Matematica, Ed. Alimentare
Classe: Seconda
Scuola: Istituto Comprensivo "Iqbal Masih" - Malnate
Try again, Hadrian!
This CLIL unit about the Romans in Britain is suitable for 5th graders. It is a very interesting opportunity to enrich children’s vocabulary and cultural knowledge.
Children will understand the structure of the Roman army, describe the equipment of Roman soldiers, discuss some characteristics of the geography of Britain and understand strategies of Roman engineers.
They will also know the Caledonian tribes, their way of life and their strategies in battle.
Autore: Nareda Saporiti
Materia: Storia
Classe: Quinta
Scuola: Istituto Comprensivo "Bertacchi" - Busto Arsizio (VA)
The chess game
Il modulo The chess game propone in modo originale il gioco degli scacchi in lingua inglese. Attraverso la proposta degli scacchi che non è propriamente una disciplina, tuttavia è incrocio tra logica e inglese, le docenti intendono proporre anche elementi di cultura inglese, in particolar modo ciò che concerne la Famiglia Reale britannica. Presentiamo questa serie di lezioni, anche se non rientrano esattamente nei canoni di un tradizionale modulo CLIL, per il successo che le lezioni hanno avuto con bambini, genitori e docenti.
I testi e il livello di competenza linguistica non sono semplici per gli alunni di una primaria, ma il livello delle attività richieste e l’imprescindibile prezioso aiuto delle famiglie hanno permesso che l’intero progetto si svolgesse positivamente, con la soddisfazione di tutte le componenti coinvolte. Le docenti hanno aiutato con strategie corporee e multisensoriali la comprensione globale degli allievi, hanno immerso questi ultimi nella lingua inglese sia a scuola sia a casa, dedicando tempo e pazienza e guadagnando la collaborazione fattiva delle famiglie. E’ stata preponderante la parte ricettiva rispetto a quella produttiva, visti la tematica e il livello linguistico-comunicativo superiore alla norma di una tradizionale classe di primaria.
La personalizzazione di ogni lavoro, in considerazione dell’utenza, della motivazione, del contesto e dei tempi, è una delle strategie imprescindibili di lezioni in cui si intenda usare una lingua straniera come lingua veicolare.
Autori: Antonella Deiana, Caterina Volandi
Materia: Antropologia, Informatica
Classe: Seconda
Scuola: Istituto Comprensivo "Dante Alighieri" - Cassano Magnago (VA)
A CLIL unit suitable for fourth graders. It’s a unit about the different landscapes and the Italian territory. Pupils will identify and compare different landforms and they will classify different maps locating and drawing the main landscapes in the regions of Italy. The main focus is on Geography but there are Art and Music activities and entertaining games where communication occurs and of course lots of fun too.
Autori: Palmira Balestreri, Sabrina Gioffredi
Materia: Geografia, Musica , Arte
Classe: Quarta
Scuola: Istituto Comprensivo "G.Galilei" - Busto Arsizio (VA)
Istituto Comprensivo "Manzoni" - Castellanza (VA)
Creative shapes
Creative shapes is a Clil project tailor made for Primary School pupils in a first grade class. While working in pairs or in small groups pupils get familiar with colours and geometrical shapes through Art and Music. Our itinerary is meant to involve children by activating their prior knowledge based on life experiences. By watching Kandinskij’s, Miro’s, Van Gogh’s masterpieces and at the same time listening to melodies by Mussorgsky, Debussy and Beethoven, pupils can easily embed related language structures and feel as real artists in the process of creating Art.
Autori: Paola Anselmi, Annalisa De Felice, Giorgia Zanatto
Materia: Arte, Matematica, Musica
Classe: Prima
Scuola: Istituto Comprensivo "Dante Alighieri" - Cassano Magnago (VA)
My incredible body
My incredible body is a Science CLIL project about some of the apparatus in the human body. Students will be able to know the main organs in their body and where they are located. They will be able to learn about the structures and the functions of the nervous system and of the skeleton. This project wants to enable learners to use their body accurately and to raise their awareness of the positive effects of activating one’s body for one’s own health.
Autori: Tecla Matteazzi, Paola Meggetto
Materia: Scienze
Classe: Quinta
Scuola: Istituto Comprensivo "Dante Alighieri" - Cassano Magnago (VA)
The 3Rs project
This CLIL unit is appropriate for learners from the third grade. The problem of waste disposal is seen from a social, environmental and scientific perspective. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle are the 3 Rs in a unit where literacy, together with lots of involving practical experiences and observations will build up knowledge of the content and communication.
Autori: Elisabetta Aramoni, Elena Garti
Materia: Scienze
Classe: Terza
Scuola: Istituto Comprensivo "Carminati" - Lonate Pozzolo (VA)
Drawing with Paul Klee
In this CLIL unit, suitable for young learners from second grade, pupils will analyze Paul Klee’s painting, identify colours and shapes, lines and patterns and organize them in creative compositions. Art, history, geometry and geography are the subjects involved in a unit where communication is enhanced at every step and simple, but effective practical activities will make the learning a very joyful journey.
Autori: Anzini Carlotta, Colombo Francesca
Materia: Arte
Classe: Seconda
Scuola: Istituto Comprensivo "G.A. Bossi" - Busto Arsizio (VA)
Talk for...Italy
This is a CLIL lesson about Italy for a grade 5 class of the Primary School. Italy, our beautiful country, is made up of different landscapes. The first part of the unit, lessons 1-6, explores its physical features: seas, mountains, rivers, volcanoes, etc. The second part, lessons 7-9, presents some facts about the country: regions, cities, languages spoken etc. The title was inspired by the English idiom “talk for England”, a sarcastic phrase that means “talking a lot”. WE can now start talking…..for Italy.
Autore: Maria Daniela Gambaro
Materia: Geografia
Classe: Quinta
Scuola: Istituto Comprensivo "G.Galilei" - Busto Arsizio (VA)